
Partnerships are God’s systems through which God’s people work together to advance the spread of the gospel of Jesus Christ – Luke 8:1-3

It is important to note that partnership works any ministry or man of God is a calling and a ministry. God must specifically lay out on your heart to become a partner.

Blessedness Of Partnership

  • You partake in the blessing and anointing upon the man of God and the ministry –
    Philippians 4:15-19, 1Kings 17: 2Kings 4:7
  • You become a partaker in the same reward of the man of God and the ministry –
    1 Samuel 30:24-25.

For this cause if you are led to join us in financial partnership as we advance the frontiers of the Kingdom of God on earth, write to us today expressing your conviction.

Please note that this is only to establish a covenant relationship between us as partners in ministry. Under no circumstance shall we contact you for any giving. All your giving are at your own discretion and capacity per time.

However, if you desire to be an anonymous partner, you can use our giving portal for your partnership giving.